Main Facility
1461 Lemay Dr. Carrollton, TX 75007
Service: 24/7
Office: M-F 8-5


Has your commercial property’s roof system been damaged from recent or past hail storms?

Did you send your maintenance guy up there to take a look?

Did the roofing company say there was no damage? Do you know if their inspector is certified?

If you are unsure of any of these questions, call Reclaim Construction right away.

After hundreds of roof inspections across Texas, I cannot begin to tell you how many roofs we have inspected after other roofing companies and maintenance guys -to find extreme damage. I scratch my head every time I get on a roof that was deemed undamaged and we end up achieving an approved claim, resulting in a new roofing system for our client.

The oversight on missing damage is not the fault of the maintenance guy or the sales representative. However it does show that they may not be properly trained.

We are trained and certified by the same companies the insurance carriers use to assess damage. This includes creating a forensic damage report. Even being a Haag Certified commercial roof inspector may not be enough. It takes years of roof inspections on all types of roofing systems including Modified Bitumen, Built up, TPO, EPDM, PVC, SPF (Foam) and Roof Coatings to be able to pin point some damage because it looks different on all systems. An inspector has to use experience, judgement and assess all aspects of the property, not just the roofing system.

We never advise a client to file a claim when a claim is not warranted.

Most roofing sales reps are not properly trained to inspect roofs. Roofing companies hire guys and throw them out – to door knock and try to close quick contracts. Most do not have the proper damage recognition training. The roofing industry is extremely cut throat so companies do not have the time and/or resources to property train each person they hire. This is extremely careless and could lead property owners in the wrong direction.

Along with inspections, Reclaim Construction uses state of the art storm tracing software to pinpoint exact impacted areas to back up the damage claims. The Dallas metro area has endured a large amount of damage in the past two years.

If you are unsure if your commercial property has been damaged or if you want a second opinion on a previous roof inspection – call us today. We will provide a complimentary inspection report.